Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day of incomplete work

 I took leave for Friday after much hesitation.
It was not one of the day I planned .
I have to plan and execute to finish the task i took.I should have the intention to finish.Free from the fear and outcome.I don't have the watchfulness to make a completion of task. I am kind of incomplete.

I take it personally on  others comment on professional side.I started late and then I have not checked the mail.
          I am spending too much time for others ,I have to learn to make them do rather than doing myself for them.Everything should be in the level of word and if necessary  to work.
    I learned the importance of timing to finish the task .A minute miss eats the two hours work.Though I was precaution it was little unfortunate to miss what I intended the db installation I was talking about  .
           More over I went with collegue to play TT and it was not that enjoyable and I was not in my cool self when i play.Better to play not with the incomplete tasks in hand whoever shall call me I shall say no.

What is my working hours
11 am
1.30 pm
2 hr in the morning
2:00 to 4.30
2 hr in the afternoon

6 to 7
1 hr
the total hr is 5 hr approximately is not at all with the integrity to work.
I will make it  eff 7 hour a day
9- 11
11.30 - 1.30
2.00 - 4
4.15 - 5.00
6 - 6.30 -- status update .This part you are giving less importance but this is what makes the day .Communicate your accomplishment and what you need to accomplish.
8 hr intentional work.
Nothing is impossible.
Rule No TT in between office hours.If you do if you have to compensate the minutes after 6.
Finish the tasks and go to talk and never work for them. Empower them.
I went to yoga which was abs and SN today.I had  cramps in abs but it was fine in the later part of yoga.
What tommorrow ?
I am going early tomorrow,around 8.00 will be the time.I have to wake up at 7.00 for that.
10.30 DB installation. To read the threads ,swing threads and core java again.A clear understanding is what needed rather than in the context of to answer when the script runs.
Will leave by 3.40 pm
Analysis document on the active alarm browser some gui snapshots and the design classes.before 3 pm.
INM server installed.It should be before lunch.
Dont worry about time you work .Think about the output from you.Everyday deliverable will make much if it is consistant

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A new day

To wake up at 9.30 pm it was hard at .Blame it on the late night sleep.
I went to office hurriedly around 11 am a coconut  bun ,a boiled egg and a tea for a breakfast ,filled the stomach fully that i am not hungry for the lunch and again bread omelet and a water melon juice in the afternoon.
I have worked focused and finished the task given by the pompous guy. I am kind of not telling openly everything to all people as i did in few months .Added a lot of security measures within me.Its cools.Before I was compelled to do so but bot anymore .
 Yoga was stretchable too.With abdomen stretches and the Surya Namaskar. It was relaxing at the end.
The TT game was awesome.Still room to work on it but I am satisfied the way i played myself when there was a low look on me nothing wrong in it. Tough players wants to play tough.I was tough today .It was great.
I went to the doctor and told him that i am seeing  a lot of improvement .He provides good listening as his professional calls to it.
I was very hungy and ate tangiri kabab and fried rice for the supper in hotel.The kabab i liked it and it was juicy.
Talked with my wife,a real hearty talk.She is taking everything to grow the two childrens simultaneously.
I never imagined it will be this hard.I will take responsibility when she comes here,let me see ways to free her.

Monday, November 28, 2011

After Long time

Today I really played well in the TT game.Improving and focusing on the mental stamina of the game and concentrated on the rally and avoided hitting shots.
Professionally I was learning the hard way.I am thinking though the hard work is being put due to my
openness and panicky behavior i showed in the past in the name of integrity have not payed well.The role of truth is still debatable.I am telling circumstantial lies as well which is for survival,
My brothers joblessness is always running in a corner of my mind.Lets hope the dawn comes.
Nowadays I am getting better at cooking day by day.Also at life I try not to react and yield not to fear  whatever the circumstance,
I miss my kids and wife who live in a distance of 150 Km.I am planning to take a leave this Friday .

What did i learned today
Mental Stamina ..Not yeilding easily and also allowing myself to the flow rather than resisting.
what next ?
To add the kids name .
To put  my 100%